



类型:喜剧 美国2006

  • 乐享云2
  • 乐享云1
  • HD
  • HD



  • 昨天晚上知道Robert Altman去世的消息,错愕,吃惊,然后很想哭。这个可爱的老头子,我一个月之前还见过他。他曾经那么的近,忽然去了世界的那一头。那是A Prairie Home Companion 的一个小型Q&A,我逃课过去,把看过的电影重温一遍。 问答的场地不大,人却挤的满满的。他的夫人也跟着他去了现场,坐在后面,他还不忘说:THANK YOU MY LOVE。他当时看起来精神不错,和剧作家Garrison Keillor一直互相挖苦,开着玩笑。他们轻松的说着整个合作的过程,他坦率和幽默的言辞让在场的人都大笑不已。A Prairie Home Companion 成为他最后一部作品,整部电影都在讲述衰老和死亡,新的生命代替旧的事物。他一直被病痛折磨着,去世的时候享年81岁。 这是这个世界的规律,我们都明白,却见不得发生在所爱的人的身上。 不说了。难过。 引用NEW YORK TIMES:Robert Altman, one of the most adventurous and influential American directors of the late 20th century, a filmmaker whose iconoclastic career spanned more than five decades but whose stamp was felt most forcefully in one, the 1970s, died Monday in Los Angeles. He was 81. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/21/movies/22altmancnd.html?ex=1321765200&en=aeb413a81ba314d0&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rssSo, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,blue skies from pain.Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?A smile from a veil?Do you think you can tell?And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?Hot ashes for trees?Hot air for a cool breeze?Cold comfort for change?And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?How I wish, how I wish you weHow I wish, how I wish you were here.We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,Running over the same old ground.What have we found? The same old fears.Wish you were here.